Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Happy 24th Birthday KoriAnn. It is really hard for me to imagine in my older mind how little you were when you first started out, and here you are today, turning 24. Nearly a quarter of a century old.
KoriAnn started out as a 2 lb 9 oz preemie with little expectation of living and was giving a name and blessing in the hospital just minutes after she was born.
Today she is a lovely, vivacious, old married woman who out conned the doctors and we were celebrating her birthday with her at P.F. Changs.
We had a great time and delicious food an we thank you for inviting us. It was nice to just go to dinner and not have to think about what to fix. And we enjoyed the company too!
Shown in the pictures are: KoriAnn Anderson in green stripes, Ben Anderson in orange stripes and sunglasses, KoriAnn's friend Brynn in yellow, Genette in brown stripes Gwen in blue stripes and Me in peach stripes. Someone must not have given Brynn the memo on the stripes for eating attire. Maybe next time Brynn.

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About Me

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Keith and I were married on October 12,1996 in the Manti, Utah LDS Temple. We have no children but raised one child, Kassie, who is actually my niece. We have 3 adorable grandchildren, Austin 5, Ashlynne 4, and Andrew 1. It has become apparent that our home has an OPEN-DOOR policy, since a lot of people have come and gone through our doors. I retired from the medical profession in Aug of 2007 after nearly 30 years and spend my time taking care of these three very lively, often funny,and very active children. My mother lives with us, however she is serving in the Illinois Peoria Mission and will return in July of 2011. Keith is an R.N. and works at a local rehab center in the Mental Health department. One day we hope to finish our home and travel more;