I have to say that life isn't dull around our house. Especially with some doosies that Austin (5) comes up with.
Sunday night he lost his second tooth in as many weeks. And with the loss of that tooth, he has given me a few things to laugh about and be very angry about.
Now for those of you who have seen the "Tooth Fairy" movie with Dwayne Johnson, you will understand this, if you haven't, like me, then it was pretty funny.
The real TOOTH FAIRY came to our house the other night/morning and Austin had said he was bound and determined to stay awake and catch her. I asked him why he thought it was a "HER" and his response was--"It just is. So I will stay awake and I will catch her."
Monday morning rolls around and down he comes into our room, thrilled to death that the tooth fairy had left him $3.00 (the going rate when I was a kid was $.25--what's with that?).
Austin: "Nana, look how much money the Tooth Fairy left me."
Me: "Wow, that's a lot, did you catch the toothfairy?"
Austin: "Yes, and she was about this big (showing that she was about an inch tall with his thumb and forefinger)."
Me: "Wow, that is very little. How do you know it was a girl?"
Austin: "Because boy's DO NOT wear tutu's."
Me: "Why do you think she is so little?
Austin: "Because she uses shrinking toothpaste."
At this point I am thinking to myself that this kid has an incredibly vivid imagination. Shrinking toothpaste, boys don't wear tutu's...etc.
I am thrown by his knowledge of the tooth fairy and think I have to text my mom, sister and his mother at least about his five year old knowledge. I get a text back from Kassie--he got that from the "Tooth Fairy" movie--the tooth fairy uses shrinking toothpaste to get "small". Phew, I am a little more relieved that he didn't come up with it on his own, however, I did think it was kind of cute.
Ashlynne and Austin are fighting and one of the things that I continually tell them, and they continually ignore is that they have to keep their hands to themselves and not touch the other person. They are 4 and 5 and don't know how to keep their hands to themselves.
Ashlynne was doing something to pester Austin, so he reached right up and pinched her pretty hard on the sternum~enough to leave a small bruise. Arrghhh!!
I confronted him with this and his response was: "Well, Ashlynne bit me!"
Me: "Ashlynne bit you, let me see."
Austin: "Here, see my arm!"
Sure enough, there was a nice big bite on his arm, just above the wrist, with fresh saliva and everything--down to the two teeth missing from the bottom row of teeth marks. That little beast had bitten himself and blamed Ashlynne for it, all because he didn't want to get in trouble for having pinched her.
So Urrrrr! Some days, I know, are going to like this more and more until they grow out of this phase!