Friday, January 28, 2011


I have had to do a lot of soul searching lately and I have really had to push myself to go to the temple since Keith passed away. When I was sent to St. George, I figured I would get there, but the weather really did put a damper on my plans--and I was tired and exhausted from putting in 10 hour days. So I made a promise to myself (or maybe a resolution) that if I went again to Dixie, I would go to a session. and what better way that to so some soul searching than in the temple.
For those of you who know me--know that I don't have a lot of luck when it comes to St. George. The First time I went to St. George on my own, I went to the temple, came out and stepped off the curb wrong and broke my foot! The next time I went, all the power went out from Richfield to Mesquite and we were stuck in St. George in the middle of August with no electricity, so we couldn't get gas, and this meant no air conditioning. It was miserable. The next time I went (with Keith, Mom and her friend Kathy, was to my cousin's wedding in Cedar City (not quite St. George, but close enough) and the wedding and precursor to it was just a comedy of errors. The only saving grace was the laughter we had later. I have to say that my cousin divorced this man and married a much better catch the second time around. The next time to Southern Utah was last month--it rained for 9 days in a row, we were nearly evacuated from the motel I was staying in...but it all turned out good.
Fast forward to this week. I left on Wednesday at about noon and arrived at 5:30--dropped off my stuff to the room, changed my clothes and headed for town. I was tired and exhausted and needed some rest--but I am glad I did it. It was peaceful and a pleasant break from everything that has been going on. It has been 10 or so years at least since I have been there. Although I love the historical background and the lovely design and it is one of my favorites--I still have a very deep love for Manti and always will. I think that maybe the church should have left that one as a live session temple, but then they didn't ask for my opinion. The next place I took advantage of for some soul searching and besides the temple, what a beautiful place to soul search. This place is truly ZION! I love Zion National Park. The weather was absolutely spectacular, I had the windows rolled down and some nice music playing in the cd player and I just drove and drove until I had to pay the $25.00 entrance fee (I may have justified paying the $25.00 if there had been at least 4 people in the car but I am cheap these days) and I turned around and headed back to LaVerkin (what a name) to head North for home. I think I got a little of my dad's love for rocks, but I prefer them in picture form than lying around my yard. So here are a few snaps of my trip to Dixie and Zion NP.


Kerri said...

I especially liked the picture of the temple. I hope your St. George week was a success and that your soul-searching went OK.

Ben, KoriAnn, Brighton & Bristol said...

I love those pictures of Zion. They are so pretty. I love the picture of the temple too. Sounds like a peaceful, relaxing time.

About Me

My photo
Keith and I were married on October 12,1996 in the Manti, Utah LDS Temple. We have no children but raised one child, Kassie, who is actually my niece. We have 3 adorable grandchildren, Austin 5, Ashlynne 4, and Andrew 1. It has become apparent that our home has an OPEN-DOOR policy, since a lot of people have come and gone through our doors. I retired from the medical profession in Aug of 2007 after nearly 30 years and spend my time taking care of these three very lively, often funny,and very active children. My mother lives with us, however she is serving in the Illinois Peoria Mission and will return in July of 2011. Keith is an R.N. and works at a local rehab center in the Mental Health department. One day we hope to finish our home and travel more;