Sunday, January 31, 2010


The weekend began on Friday cleaning my house (well mostly Kassie cleaning the house) so that I could host a Scentsy Open House. If you know me, I really do not like to give parties, but Kassie bugged me so much about it, I finally gave in.
the house stayed relatively clean for 24 hours. then It's back to the normal kids bringing out toys, undressing in living room, leaving their clothes in living room, not playing with their toys in living room, tripping over toys in living room.... you get the picture.

Saturday I got up early (well early for me) and went to Ogden to get a haircut from a girl my niece knows. She did a great job, but unfortunately they are moving and not sure where they will be.

The Bishop and one of his counselors wanted to visit with me and I had to be home by 1:00. I pulled in the driveway at 12:58 p.m. But the Bishop couldn't come then, so I puttered around the house until 2:30.

When the Bishop arrived, it was to let me know that our Primary Presidency was being released. This wasn't a shock for two reasons. A few months ago, Debbie (the President) and told us at a meeting that she felt that we would probably be released in a few months. It was just one of her feelings that she had, know one had said anything to her. Just a hunch. And when Deb has a hunch, it is generally right on. Then when mom went on her mission, the bishop asked how long our Presidency had been serving. This mother's day would have been 3 years. I have been in Primary though for 4 1/2 years ( I think--if I did the math right) 1 1/2 as chorister and the other as Second Counselor.

When I was called to this position, I had a struggle with it. Partially because I really don't get along well with small children in groups. I do much better with a one on one situation. and face it: Kids today have got far more knowledge and faith than we had when we were their age. Or at least it seems that way.

I felt overwhelmed by this calling, I still struggled to the end, but in the end, I have grown to love those children and only wish what is best for them. It is difficult to see the children that were three when we moved in grow up and move into young women's.

So as one of our ward member's pointed out to us: When the Sacrament program comes up in the fall, we can sit back, relax and cry at all they have learned.

I am grateful for the friendships I made and will still have, I am grateful for the growth that I had in Primary (the second time around) and I am grateful for the gospel teachings and all that we continue to learn daily and the strength that comes from knowing that we belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


Kerri said...

Gaylene, I can't believe the day is finally guys have done a wonderful job. And you know that I KNOW you were supposed to be in Primary. No doubt about it. Maybe now you can have just a little less stress in your life.

Camille said...

We will miss you in the Primary, but are excited to see you in RS now!

About Me

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Keith and I were married on October 12,1996 in the Manti, Utah LDS Temple. We have no children but raised one child, Kassie, who is actually my niece. We have 3 adorable grandchildren, Austin 5, Ashlynne 4, and Andrew 1. It has become apparent that our home has an OPEN-DOOR policy, since a lot of people have come and gone through our doors. I retired from the medical profession in Aug of 2007 after nearly 30 years and spend my time taking care of these three very lively, often funny,and very active children. My mother lives with us, however she is serving in the Illinois Peoria Mission and will return in July of 2011. Keith is an R.N. and works at a local rehab center in the Mental Health department. One day we hope to finish our home and travel more;