Friday, February 6, 2009


Andrew has been sprung from PICU at Primary's. He will be going to a different floor as of tonight. He's doing much better on his Oxygen and breathing better on his own.
As for me--I spent 6 1/2 hours in the ER--yes me.
For the past two days I have had some pain in my calf and thigh. No big deal, except when I took the dog out the a.m. in my nightgown and had to chase her down barefooted, I was coming back into the house when my left leg gave way underneath me.
It didin't feel like anything I had ever had happen to my legs or knees before. And indeed it wasn't.
They ruled out a blood clot--thank goodness.
But I do have a torn hamstring. With some sciatica. The sciatica probably put me off balance enough that the hamstring went. How in the world that happened, I do not know.
I am flat in bed resting and taking drugs for the next two or three days.
So if your bored, you can call me and chat. I won't be doing much!
Wasn't it me that said, just last week, I couldn't wait for February!
I should have kept my big mouth shut.


Kerri said...

GAYLENE!!!!!!!! This is unbelievable. Really. Truly. I'm so sorry. Are you being taken care of? Do you need any help? Any meals?

Gaylene said...

Kerri, I'm fine.. Just laid up for a few days. No meals. Just make me laugh and make feel better.

Liz said...

Oh my word!!!! You seriously have had more than your share these last few weeks! I'm so sorry! Good thing you don't have sharing time this week, right? :) Let me know if you need anything! Prayers for sure!!!

About Me

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Keith and I were married on October 12,1996 in the Manti, Utah LDS Temple. We have no children but raised one child, Kassie, who is actually my niece. We have 3 adorable grandchildren, Austin 5, Ashlynne 4, and Andrew 1. It has become apparent that our home has an OPEN-DOOR policy, since a lot of people have come and gone through our doors. I retired from the medical profession in Aug of 2007 after nearly 30 years and spend my time taking care of these three very lively, often funny,and very active children. My mother lives with us, however she is serving in the Illinois Peoria Mission and will return in July of 2011. Keith is an R.N. and works at a local rehab center in the Mental Health department. One day we hope to finish our home and travel more;