She is not a church-going soul--so I was quite surprised to hear she was actually on her way to a missionary farewell when the accident occurred.
Luckily for Genette, she was following her friend's sister and Kimmy saw it happen, so she pulled over to help. Kimmy missed her nephew's farewell all in the name of friendship to help out Genette.
Fortunately, both driver's walked away from the accident with only minor cuts, scrapes and bruises and a lot of sore muscles.
Unfortunately, it was Genette's fault and she only had liability on her car, so she won't get any type of reimbursement for her formerly cute little vapor blue bug. And both cars were completely totalled.
Strange things happen when you're in an accident. She has bumps and bruises in places you wouldn't think were hit, but the impact knocked her shoes completely off and when Kimmy asked Genette where her shoes were, Genette said, "I don't know, they were on my feet when I left home."
Also when the paramedics arrived, he asked her , "Genette, what is your name?"
Genette's being the smart aleck that she is said, " Duh, it's Genette, you just told me.'
His response was that she must be fine then.
Gratefully they are both alright, but now the little blue bug has gone to the car heaven in the sky! We will miss you Herbie!!!